Online analytics

Gain insights from real usage statistics in order to continue improving a website, app or social media campaign after it is in use, or monitor it's use for marketing purposes.
Analytics software can monitor user behaviour in terms of basic demographics (where do users come from) and onsite behaviour (duration of visits and clicks). By analysing these statistics you can identify weak points in the website, app or online marketing campaign or you can compare them to key performance indicators (KPI's).
- Analytic software.
- An analytic mind-set.
- Knowledge about statistics and SEO.
- Key performance indicators (KPI's).
In practice
There are companies specializing in online analytics consultancy and search engine optimization. Many small companies do their own online analytics.
- Universal Methods of Design (Hanington & Martin, 2012) spends a couple of pages on webanalytics. In the Dutch version chapter 97. P200-201
- A dedicated book about webanalytics is: Jansen, Bernard J. "Understanding user-web interactions via web analytics." Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services 1.1 (2009): 1-102.